A Guide for the Preparation of a Dd Form 254 Dod Contract Security Classification Specification

5. Amend Article 4.403 by deleting from point (c) the chapeau «Contract as follows» and adding instead «Contract as indicated in the requirement documents as follows» and paragraph (c)(1) as follows: For Section 9, a brief unclassified description of the contract shall be entered. This information may be derived from the scope and/or purpose set out in the Service Statement/Statement of Work. Now we`ve come to the fun (and probably the hardest to fill out) part of the form: Section 10. Score all points with «YES» or «NO», depending on the requirements of the contract. § 10 points are access obligations for the contractor and its employees. It does not refer to backup. Complete this section regardless of where access will be made (contractor installation, government facility). In addition, each element discussed in Article 10 must be properly annotated.

Some notable points of Section 10 are as follows: in Article 17, the representative of the contract agent of the applicant enters his name and address, as well as his own contact details. Similar to section 16b, make sure that the correct DoDAAC is listed in section 17d. Section 11 deals with the actions that the contractor will take. Note: All items marked in section 11 must be annotated in section 13. In the same way as in Article 10, the notable points of Article 11 are listed below that deserve attention: Article 16 refers to the CGC for the contract, with Articles 16d to 16f generally being the contracting agent. Make sure the correct DoDAAC for section 16b is completed. Article 14 is marked «Yes» if additional security requirements apply, e.B Article 11j (OPSEC), Article 10e1 (SCI), Article 10f (SAP). Ensure that the correct statements for each of the three points mentioned are included in section 14. Also, SCI and SAP each require an additional signature line on the form, so be sure to add an additional signature line for each of the two items. In Section 8, indicate the name and address of the location where the contractor will have access to the classified information. If there are multiple locations, specify «see section 13» instead and include all place names and addresses in section 13.

Note that Sections 8b and 8c do not apply if classified information is only accessible in a government entity. Section 1b refers to the level of protection of classified information required at the Contractor`s facilities for the performance of the Contract. If the contractor only accesses classified information or documents in a government institution, item 1b does not apply and «None» must be selected. Note: The classification level referred to in section 1b shall not be higher than the level specified in section 1a. To link DD254, we come to the last and final section: Article 18. Section 18 simply refers to who receives signed copies of DD254. Select the appropriate fields for the recipient of the signed copies. It is recommended that you check at least the following boxes: Contractor, Subcontractor (if the form is intended for a subcontractor), CSO and Administrative Contracting Officer. Next, procurement professionals must complete Section 1a – the Facility Security Clearance (LCF) level – which is the highest level of authorization of the assets that the contractor must receive to perform the work under the contract. An important note is that the Contractor must have a CFL that is at least as high as the classification level specified in Section 1a.

It`s also important to correctly identify the right FCL for the job – too low a classification could compromise safety and result in too high contract costs Despite many years of sustained acquisitions, many were surprised to learn of HHS`s decision to end sponsored acquisitions. According to reports, one of the main reasons for the decision was the DD254 requirement for DoD contracts. Although some members of the acquisition community argue that the existence of a DD254 does not classify the contract itself, HHS cited the presence of DD254 in DoD contracts as classified work. The DD254`s meticulous accuracy not only ensures the timely awarding of DoD contracts and the protection of national security, but also helps maintain cooperation between agencies on procurement. Especially in cases where cooperation with non-Dodist agencies is done through sustained acquisitions, the DoD can significantly reduce the administrative burden for agencies that are not as familiar with the security requirements set out in NISPOM. WBD recommends constant communication and collaboration with your acquisition partners and security offices to develop an accurate DD254. We hope this step-by-step guide will serve the DoD acquiring community well with a secure and successful supply. Please visit our services page to learn more about WBD`s acquisition practices.

If public sharing of information is not allowed, leave the first two boxes unchecked and enter in the «Public Broadcasting Authority» block that «public sharing of information is not allowed». Section 3c should only be marked if the Contractor requests the right to retain project documents beyond the two-year retention period approved by NISPOM (DoD 5220.22-M). .

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