It is important to note that once a collective agreement has been concluded, both the employer and the union are required to respect that agreement. Therefore, an employer should seek the assistance of a lawyer before participating in the collective bargaining process. A collective agreement (CBA) is a written legal contract between an employer and a union that represents employees. The CBA is the result of an extensive negotiation process between the parties on issues such as wages, hours of work and working conditions. – zmluva – dohoda – dohovor – obchod – prijatie – zhoda – súhlas – kontrakt – dohodnúť sa – dohovoriť sa Ak celú pracovnú zmluvu námorníka alebo jej časť tvorí dohoda o kolektívnom vyjednávaní, kópia uvedenej dohody je k dispozícii na palube. . V rozsahu, ktorý je v súlade s vnútroštátnym právom a právnou praxou členského štátu, pracovné zmluvy námorníkov môžu obsahovať akékoľvek platné dohody o kolektívnom vyjednávaní. There are three different categories of subjects that are part of an ABA: mandatory, voluntary or permissive and illegal subjects. Compulsory subjects are the subjects prescribed by law and the National Labour Relations Board (NLRB). These issues include elements such as wages, overtime, bonuses, grievance procedures, safety and work practices, seniority, and dismissal, dismissal or discipline procedures.
. Okrem toho, z fondu sa nehradia nároky vyplývajúce z kolektívnej zmluvy a sociálneho plánu. Odstupné podľa právnych predpisov a tarifných zmlúv Voluntary or permissive matters can be negotiated but are not mandatory and include issues such as internal trade union affairs and the composition of the employer`s board of directors. Each Member State shall ensure that the relevant provisions are incorporated into its laws, regulations and administrative provisions or into collective agreements setting out the parts of the collective agreement which are subject to verification by the port State. The Pokud is available the possibility, Komise will use air carriers, negotiated on the basis of agreements on the community and které executes the deserved contracts of the organization work mezinatovna. Each Member State shall ensure that its legal system or yinha or community contains appropriate provisions established by SHRM HR Knowledge Advisers who provide advice and resources to assist members in meeting their human resources requests. Where such a possibility exists, the Commission shall use air carriers subject to collective agreements in accordance with the relevant ILO conventions. – kolektív – družstvo – kolektívny – hromadná – súborný – zberný – solidarity – družstevný Illegal subjects who would violate a law are prohibited, such as . B closed shops (if an employer hires only union members) or unlawful discrimination. Where a seafarer`s employment contract consists in whole or in part of a collective agreement, a copy of that agreement shall be available on board the ship. where appropriate, the withdrawal of a collective agreement shall take place and, in so far as it is compatible with the national law and practice of a Member State, seafarers` employment contracts shall be deemed to be all applicable collective agreements.