Alexa User Agreement

When you use a Service or send us emails, text messages, and other communications from your desktop or mobile device, you are communicating with us electronically. You agree to receive communications from us electronically, such as. B emails, texts, mobile push notifications or notices and messages on this Site or through the other Services, and you may retain copies of such communications for your records. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically comply with all legal requirements that such notices be in writing. 1.4 No access to emergency services. Alexa Communication does not replace traditional two-way or mobile phone services and does not work as such. You acknowledge that you cannot use Alexa Communication to access emergency services such as 911. Alexa Communication is not designed or intended to send or receive emergency communications to police, fire department, hospital, or other services that connect a user to a public safety response center. You need to make sure that you can contact your responsible emergency service provider via a mobile phone, landline or other service. «Your Marks» means your Trademarks that you make available to us: (a) in non-textual form for branding purposes; and (b) separate (and not incorporated or otherwise contained in) product-specific information or materials. «Trademark» means any trademark, service mark, trade dress (including an «exclusive look and feel»), trade name, other logos or proprietary badges, or any other source or trade identifier protected or protectable under applicable law. «Content» means works protected by copyright under applicable law.

These Terms of Use (the «TOs») constitute an agreement (the «Agreement») between you and ŠKODA AUTO a.s. («ŠKODA AUTO» or «we»). The T&Cs govern your use of the ŠKODA Connect services on Alexa-enabled devices, i.e. .dem «competence». This agreement is in addition to any other contract or policy agreement you have with ŠKODA AUTO. This is an agreement between you and LLC Services (with its affiliates, «Amazon» or «we»). Before using Alexa, please read these Alexa Terms of Service, including the attached schedules, the Privacy Policy, the Terms of Service, and other applicable rules, policies, and terms posted on the website, available through your Alexa App, or provided with Alexa-enabled products (collectively, this «Agreement»). By using Alexa, you agree to the terms of this Agreement on your behalf and on behalf of anyone else using Alexa under your account. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you may not use Alexa.

It`s clear that Amazon alexa is absolutely fishing and looking for an extra interest other than waiting for commands to play music or buy toilet paper. I`m not saying we have to worry about our safety, but we can be monitored and monitored a lot more closely than we knew, all for $49.99. Amazon creates user profiles around individuals to improve its ability to make sales, and the fun part is that we pay them for it. I could go further down this rabbit hole, but I`m afraid it will make me lose my mind. Our deeper personal information and even our basic personal information has real value, real monetary value that goes beyond you as an individual. It is not worth paying money to give it away. Your AVS product must be a device and not a mobile application (e.g. B an iOS or Android app), although a companion app may be allowed to control your AVS product. You must provide us with your AVS Product for review and approval in connection with any proposed or actual distribution (or other supply) of your AVS Product to End Users. We will allow or reject the use of Amazon Music in your AVS product in our sole discretion.

If we refuse to use Amazon Music in your AVS product, or if you do not submit your AVS product for approval, we may disable access to Amazon Music in your AVS product. 1.4. Termination. We (and with any Alexa subscription to a third-party service of the operators of that service) may cancel Alexa subscriptions in our sole discretion without notice. When we do this, we will refund you on a pro rata basis based on the number of days remaining in your subscription. However, we will not refund termination in connection with any conduct that we determine, in our sole discretion, to be in violation of this Agreement or applicable law, involving fraud or misuse of the subscription, or harming our interests or any other user….

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