Intellectual Property Rights Clause in Service Agreement

Intellectual property. Nothing in this Agreement shall be intended to transfer the intellectual property rights of either party to the other party. Licenses. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, [PARTY A] [PART B] grants an irrevocable, fully paid-up, non-paying, worldwide, non-exclusive license with the right to sublicense, any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right associated with any intellectual property developed by [PARTY B, including the right to make the [PART B-Developed Intellectual Property, and the right to manufacture products and processes, have been used, imported, offered for sale and sold under [PART B-Developed Intellectual Property. We have obtained a worldwide, exclusive, non-transferable license to the intellectual property incorporated into the cavitation technology developed by B Green, Inc. («B Green») Cavitation equipment manufactured, manufactured, used, marketed, imported, imported, offered for sale and sold from licensed intellectual property. Independent tests conducted by the University of Utah have shown that this proprietary technology increases the API gravity of hydrocarbons by lengthening hydrocarbon chains without cutting or cracking these chains. API gravity is the measure of the mass or lightness of petroleum liquid relative to water and is used in industry as a standard measure of viscosity. The API of recovered crude oil is increased, so that this crude oil can receive additional uses and generally at higher unit prices. This article is not legal advice, but should be considered as a general guide to intellectual property law. You can reach us at 207.784.3200. Skelton Taintor & Abbott is a full-service law firm that provides legal services to individuals, businesses and communities in Maine.

It has been in operation since its creation in 1853. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic may result in the diversion of resources related to regulatory and intellectual property issues in a way that would impair our ability to advance regulatory approvals and protect our intellectual property. For example, since March 2020, foreign and domestic inspections have been largely suspended by the FDA, with the FDA announcing its intention to resume priority domestic inspections in July 2020. The FDA has developed an assessment system to determine when and where it is safest to conduct priority national inspections. If the FDA determines that an inspection is required for the issuance of future marketing approvals and that an inspection cannot be performed during the review cycle due to travel restrictions, the FDA has stated that it generally intends to issue a full response letter. If there is not enough information to make a decision on the acceptability of a facility, the FDA may defer action on the application until an inspection can be completed. In 2020, several companies announced receipt of full response letters because the FDA was unable to perform the necessary inspections for their applications. Regulators outside the U.S. may impose similar restrictions or other policy measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and there may be delays in their regulatory activities.

In addition, as of June 23, 2020, the FDA noted that it continues to ensure a timely review of medical device applications during the COVID-19 pandemic in accordance with its user fee performance targets, including for the development of oncology products with its full-time teleworking staff. However, the FDA may not be able to continue at its current pace, and review timelines may be extended. In addition, we may face barriers to regulatory meetings and approvals due to measures designed to limit face-to-face interactions. Copyright, including all applications and registrations related to the foregoing, The Parties to this Agreement believe that the public interest is best served by creating an intellectual environment in which creative efforts and innovation can be encouraged and rewarded, while for the college or university and its learning communities, adequate access to and use of intellectual property, in whose foundation the college or university provided support. Table of Contents We own the copyright to the content we have developed ourselves. We have established standard arrangements with our faculty members and R&D staff that provide that the intellectual property they create in the course of their employment with us is our intellectual property. With our part-time instructors, we typically enter into agreements under which these part-time instructors grant us the intellectual property rights to the live or recorded video of the courses. (consent cannot be unreasonably refused, delayed or conditional) and (b) does not create any proprietary rights on the part of ADVESA (all proprietary rights remain the property of UCAN). ADVESA must obtain UCAN approval before making any intellectual property improvements. In the event that ADVESA creates an intellectual property enhancement (the «Enhancement»), ADVESA shall be deemed to have promptly assigned such Enhancement to UCAN and such Enhancement shall form part of the intellectual property licensed by UCAN under this Agreement. ADVESA will make and deliver any reasonably requested assignment of the Improvement to document UCAN`s ownership of the Improvement, provided that UCAN reimburses ADVESA for all costs directly attributable to such improvements.

Often, there are disputes between those who commission the development of the software and those who write the software. As a general rule, copyright belongs to the author, unless a legal agreement provides otherwise or if that person is an employee. Many advise authors to clearly document property rights in an agreement and further warn that «if you have a software development contract but something changes as development progresses, make sure that the change is reflected in a formal written amendment to the development agreement.» (Ownership of Software). Although the law provides for different types of intellectual property, the faculty`s concerns focus on two: copyright and patents. The following definitions are derived from relevant federal laws: Our proprietary patents and/or technologies could be circumvented by introducing competitive processes or products, if they are not infringed. Pharmaceutical companies` patent positions can be highly uncertain and involve complex legal, scientific and factual issues for which important legal principles remain unresolved. Changes in patent laws or in the interpretation of patent laws may reduce the value of our intellectual property. We cannot predict the extent of claims that may be admissible or enforceable in our patents, including patents licensed to us by Neptune. It is often difficult to register, maintain and enforce intellectual property rights in China. Laws and legislative regulations are subject to judicial interpretation and enforcement and may not be applied uniformly in the absence of clear guidelines for the interpretation of the law […].

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