Meaning of Percentage Agreement

On 4 May 1944, Churchill asks his Foreign Minister Anthony Eden the rhetorical question: `Are we going to submit to the communitarisation of the Balkans and perhaps Italy?` [26] Churchill answered his own question by saying that Britain must «resist communist infusion and invasion.» [26] The attempt to develop spheres of influence for the Balkans led Gusev to wonder whether the Americans would be included. [26] Eden assured Gusev that the Americans would support the Sphere of Influence Agreement, but when asked, the State Department responded categorically that it was not U.S. policy to enter into such agreements that would violate the Atlantic Charter. [26] Placed in a difficult position, Churchill appealed directly to Roosevelt. British historian David Carlton reports that according to Churchill`s account of the incident, Churchill suggested that the Soviet Union should have 90% influence in Romania and 75% in Bulgaria; the United Kingdom is expected to have 90 per cent in Greece; and they should have 50% each in Hungary and Yugoslavia. Churchill wrote it on a piece of paper, which he pushed to Stalin, who crossed it out and turned it over. [3] [55] [56] [57] [58] The result of these discussions was that the percentage of Soviet influence in Bulgaria and, more importantly, Hungary was changed to 80 percent and Romania to 100 percent. In this competition, the jurors agreed on 3 points out of 5. The percentage match is 3/5 = 60%.

In construction, a cost-plus contract is used. In it, a client agrees to pay a contractor the direct cost of the work, in addition to a percentage of the cost of the project, in order to cover profits and overheads. Cost-plus contracts ensure that the contractor receives a fair return and also allow for greater flexibility in the scope of work. In his acclaimed biography of Churchill, Roy Jenkins writes that the agreement «proposed spheres of influence of realpolitik in the Balkans. If everyone agrees, the IRR is 1 (or 100%) and if everyone does not agree, the IRR is 0 (0%). There are several methods for calculating IRR, from the simplest (e.B percent) to the most complex (e.B Cohen`s Kappa). Which one you choose depends largely on the type of data you have and how many evaluators are in your model. The area in which you work determines the acceptable level of agreement. If it is a sports competition, you can accept a 60% scoring agreement to determine a winner. However, if you look at the data of cancer specialists who decide on treatment, you want a much higher match – more than 90%. In general, more than 75% are considered acceptable for most regions. A percentage agreement contract is used in the construction industry to protect the interests of the client and contractor.

Read 3 min Multiply the value of the quotient by 100 to get the percentage of agreement for the equation. You can also move the decimal to the right two places, which is the same value as multiplying by 100. Some historians, including Gabriel Kolko and Geoffrey Roberts, believe that the importance of the agreement is overstated. [70] Kolko writes: In response to US claims that Britain is engaged in a «power policy» in Greece, Churchill responded in a speech: «What is power politics?. Is a navy twice as large as any other navy in world power politics? Is the world`s largest air force, with bases in all parts of the world, a power politics? Is all this gold in world power politics? If so, we are certainly not guilty of these offences, I am sorry to say. .

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